Eastlake Cosmetic Surgery

Best Breast Implants in La Jolla/San Diego/Chula Vista

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States, and has been ranked as one of the most patient satisfied procedures in the cosmetic surgery industry. Millions of female patients have made the decision to undergo breast augmentation, but there are still plenty of things to learn about before following through with the procedure.

Many of the patients who seek breast enhancement have some idea about the type of implant or the location of the incision that suits their body type, but all of this requires in-depth research and evaluation from our cosmetic surgeon Dr. Nojan Talebzadeh who specializes in breast augmentation in San Diego/Chula Vista.


Breast implants are devices utilized during breast augmentation or augmentation mammaplasty, performed on an outpatient basis at our San Diego/Chula Vista patient center. The primary parts of most breast implants include a shell that houses a filler solution, and a surgical patch that covers any manufacturing holes upon final placement behind breast tissue.

There are a number of factors to carefully consider when selecting the correct type of implant that matches the goals you have for your body. These factors include implant size, shape, composition and placement. Breast implants are made of durable silicone shells, and filled with silicone gel or saline to add volume. We offer a variety of shapes and sizes so you can customize your breast augmentation to your body and your aesthetic liking. However, the types and sizes of implants can vary based on your breast tissue, anatomy, skin elasticity and body type.


Silicone implants are a cohesive implant for patients that desire a more natural look and feel. These implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Silicone implants are a safe and long-lasting option for patients.


Saline implants are filled to size with a salt water solution after being placed. These implants are perfect for patients who desire a more natural breast augmentation.

Gummy Bear

The gummy bear implant is composed of a durable silicone gel that can resist ruptures and leaks. Implants are naturally shaped and are more stable than other implants.

Round Breast Implants

These implants are used for patients who would like their breasts to have a more rounded and full shape. Round implants can be customized to each patient’s body.

Smooth Breast Implants

Smooth implants have a soft feel that some patients desire in a breast augmentation. These implants move as natural breasts would.


While many women desire to have larger and fuller breasts, not everyone is a good candidate for breast augmentation. Patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an active infection, are not good candidates at the present time.

Our best candidates are women 18 or older for saline implants and 22 or older for silicone. These patients should also have realistic expectations, have obtained all of the important information, and have an understanding of the extent of the surgery and its limitations.

  • Small breasts
  • Asymmetrical breasts (One is visibly larger than the other one)
  • Reconstruction after mastectomy
  • Changes in breast size and shape after weight loss or pregnancy
  • Cosmetic improvements following breast reconstruction

As we tell all of our patients, breast implants should not be used as a means to improve their overall life or to make bad relationships better. Women should only consider breast augmentation for themselves.


Inframammary Incision

This incision is placed near the breast crease to place the breast implant. This scar can be easily hidden by the breast itself and by a bra. The inframammary incision is the most precise incision that can be used during a breast augmentation procedure.

Transaxillary Incision

The transaxillary incision is placed in the underarm. Incisions will blend in with armpit crease and allow patients to have a discreet procedural scar. Dr. Talebzadeh can effectively place the implants and shape the breasts with the transaxillary incision.

Periareolar Incision

This incision is made near the outer edge of the areola. A pocket is placed to insert the implant and camouflage the incision. The periareolar incision can be used during a breast augmentation to lift the nipple and areola.


Dr. Talebzadeh is dedicated to providing patients with the leading breast augmentation procedure with the highest quality breast implants in San Diego/Chula Vista. He will meet with each patient during an initial consultation to discuss their ideal goals for this procedure. Dr. Talebzadeh will examine the breast area, take before and after photographs and review the patient’s medical history to create a personalized treatment plan that also addresses the patient’s desired aesthetic. He will then spend time educating the patient on every step of the procedure and answer any questions or concerns they may have.

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